Most of the time you use the jQuery $.fn.each function you end up doing $(this) inside the function that is getting looped. You want access the jQuery magic in your loop. It’s always seemed weird to me that $.fn.each didn’t pass your function a jQuery version of the element, since you already selected it in order to do the $.fn.each call. Well James Padolsey started playing and created a quickEach plugin that passes in a jQueryized version of this. Then Ben Alman started playing with it and ended up with a $.fn.each2 plugin. It is optimize just for the case where you need a jQueryized version of this in the loop, it is slower then the built in $.fn.each function when you don’t.
// jQuery each2 plugin usage:
$('a').each2(function( i, jq ){
this; // DOM element
i; // DOM element index
jq; // jQuery object
// jQuery core .each method usage:
$('a').each(function( i, elem ){
this; // DOM element ( this === elem )
i; // DOM element index
$(this); // jQuery object